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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


The ADA and the Essential Functions Test

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) generally says that if you have a disability, your employer must make accommodations in your workplace to allow you to do your job. You can’t be punished, fired, harassed, or discriminated against because of your disability. When Accommodations Won’t Help But sometimes, an employee is disabled so severely,… Read More »

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Understanding Medical Disclosure Requirements Under the ADA

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Do you need accommodations at work because of a medical condition? The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) protects you. But many employees don’t understand what they can be asked and when, and what medical information they have to tell their employers. Time to Disclose Information There is no time limit on telling your employer… Read More »

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Sexual Harassment When a Workplace Relationship Ends

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

For many of us, we will spend more time at work, and with our co-workers, than we do at home, or than we do socially. That means for those who are single, there is a high likelihood that you may meet that special someone at work, and start a consensual relationship with that co-worker…. Read More »

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Signs That You May Have Been Fired Illegally

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

One day you’re at work, doing your job, without issue. Then it happens. You’re called into a supervisor’s office, and you’ve been let go. But it’s not that simple—you suspect that you were let go, for an illegal reason. How can you prove that’s the case? What’s Illegal? Before we get to that, let’s… Read More »

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What is a Stay or Pay Clause?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

Non compete clauses have long been illegal in California, and as of 2023, the federal government passed a regulation making these provisions illegal nationally (although that restriction is currently being challenged in court). But anticipating the trend against these clauses, many employers are coming up with new ways to try to keep employees from… Read More »

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Amazon Gets Sued for Trying to Impose Noncompete Agreements on Employees

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

In California, it has long been the law that noncompete agreements are illegal. The federal government followed suit, banning them nationally as of 2024. But according to a recent lawsuit, one company, Amazon, may be doing its best to circumvent the bans, a practice that employees should look for. Lawsuit Alleges Noncompete was Disguised… Read More »

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The Role of Temporal Proximity in Retaliation Cases

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

As an employee, you have an absolute right to assert your legal rights or to report wrongdoing by your employer. When an employee is punished at work by an employer for asserting rights that the employee has a legal right to assert, the employee may have a claim for retaliation. What is Retaliation? Just… Read More »

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Associational Discrimination: The ADA is More Powerful Than You Thought

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

The Americans With Disabilities Act or ADA is a powerful law that protects workers with disabilities. But it does even more than that. It even protects otherwise healthy, non-disabled workers that have some relationship to others who have disabilities. The ADA, Generally The ADA generally says that if you have a disability, your employer… Read More »

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Are You Owed Reporting Time Pay?

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

It often happens that you show up for work, and there is simply little or nothing for you to do. Whether because of overscheduling, or a slow day, depending on your job, you could end up being sent straight back home by your employer. But you took the time and effort to show up… Read More »

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LGBTQ Rights in the Workplace

By Costanzo Law Firm, APC |

If you are LGBTQ, you may have questions about your right to be protected in the workplace. Specifically, whether or not you have the same protections as women, minorities, the disabled or the elderly at work. The answer is yes–and those protections are stronger than you may think. Who the Law Applies to Remember… Read More »

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