San Jose Employment Lawyer Discusses Health Consequences of Discrimination

Our San Jose employment lawyer sees the effects of discrimination in the workplace on a daily basis. These negative effects are numerous and far-reaching. While discrimination increases stress and contributes to a decline in health, some individuals are impacted more than others.
Age Discrimination
Age discrimination is commonly reported by individuals who are in their 50s. They report objections such as being treated with less courtesy and receiving poorer customer service when in the public sector. In terms of employment effects, older workers report such age-related discrimination as being passed up for promotions, being ridiculed because of their age, being denied jobs and receiving less favorable employment terms than other types of workers. A San Jose employment lawyer can evaluate the particular circumstances of a case to determine whether age discrimination has occurred.
Negative Health Consequences Caused by Age or Weight Discrimination
A San Jose employment lawyer can explain that individuals who suffer from age or weight discrimination are more susceptible to negative health effects when compared to individuals who suffer from other kinds of discrimination. These individuals are more likely to report sharp declines in their mental, cognitive and physical health. Additionally, individuals who suffer from age discrimination are more likely to incur stress. Older employees must endure the inherent stress associated with working. However, senior citizens are even more prone to stress if they had to return to the workforce because their retirement accounts were wiped out or when treated in an aggressive manner by other employees.
Negative Health Consequences of Stress
A San Jose employment lawyer can explain that cardiovascular problems, stroke and hypertension all correlate to high levels of stress. Other serious medical conditions have also been linked to stress.
Legal Assistance from a San Jose Employment Lawyer
If you have any questions about workplace discrimination, contact a San Jose employment lawyer from Costanzo Law Firm, APC by calling 408-993-8493.